A small island rises from the water...

This is Ralpho's home on the web. Ralpho is a smouldering red star that sits at the conclusion of the universe, far above our heads. As the solar system travels into the future it will eventually collide with Ralpho at the end. Ralpho is a digital dog on the web and he takes care of inanna's shrine as well as his various gardenings...

Historically the Eanna would be reponsible for performing the rituals necessary to ensure the good graces of Inanna. It was also a primary organ of state and was responsible for much of Uruk's economic and social organization. The priesthood that operated this temple system were called the Gala. In myth the Gala were created by the god Enki to sing heart-soothing lamentations for Inanna. The Gala were speciffically identified as people with gender identities outside the typically strict gender binary of Sumerians. Many of the gala would be described as transgender, gender-queer, non-binary today. Hymns preserved on clay tablets attest to Inanna's ability to change men into women, and women into men. In the head-overturning ceremony described in hymns Inanna recoeves a man, and consicrates her "reed marsh woman" the Pili-pili, the lamenter. She recieves a woman, consicrates him reed-marsh man, kurgarra, the musican/warrior. In the days of Uruk, and accross the ancient world trannies had a recognized religious and political role.

Her domain spans creation and destruction , the forces of the universe sway at her whim. Brushfire, storm, drought, war delight her heart as well as peace, love, bounty, and fertility. She is imminent in our experiencing passion